Hedging, HELOC, QC Audit Products; Profitable 2nd Quarter; Trigger Lead Update; The CFPB and Fay Servicing

“Great news! I got the whole plane to myself! The large group going to the psychic’s convention all cancelled at the last minute.” (No, this didn’t happen my flight to Orlando last night. It was, however, delayed four times for 90 minutes.) But speaking of news, frankly, I don’t see how the senior management of lenders and vendors keep up on the news with everything that is going on. Tomorrow on TMC’s Friday Rundown is Shelley Leonard who will be discussing the rationale behind the credit report costs as well as the acceptance of the tri-merge/bi-merge move. Many LOs remember when the FTC banned certain noncompete agreements. Well, fuhgeddaboudit. A ruling by US District Judge Ada Brown has halted the Federal Trade Commission’s ban on noncompete agreements, citing the agency’s lack of statutory authority. The ban was intended to promote competition and prevent wage suppression. My guess is that an appeal is in the works. (Today’s podcast is found here and this week’s is sponsored by Candor. Candor’s authentic Expert System AI has powered more than 2 million flawless, hands off underwrites. Every credit risk decision Candor makes is backed by a Warranty, eliminating repurchase worries. Hear an interview with Steve Richman on public speaking trials and tribulations, the unpredictability of entrepreneurship, and what is important to originators now, based on his travels around the nation.) Lender and Broker Software and Services Revolution Mortgage cuts verification costs from 8 to 3 basis points. This is efficient operations, says Femi Ayi, Revolution Mortgage. Save up to $20K/month and reduce costs by 80% with Truv. See Truv in action.