DPA, Shared Appreciation, Loss Mit, Insurance, Subservicer Oversight Products; Conforming Loan Limit Changes

Does it give you a sense of permanency if you think about how you’re looking at the same moon as pirates did 300-400 years ago? There’s a lunar eclipse across North American tonight, and Talk Like a Pirate Day is Thursday, both in the same week! But, of course, little is permanent. The world morns the death of Tito Jackson, made famous by Eddie Murphy’s standup comedy and this video. (Let’s see folks do that number on the dance floor at the next mortgage conference!) Middle management and loan officer pay isn’t set in stone either, and is always changing. If you want to see who’s making what, the current STRATMOR blog is titled, “Lenders and Vendors Must Pay to Play.” Interest rates aren’t permanent either. Though the headlines may be telling potential borrowers something else, the Federal Reserve’s expected rate cuts this week probably won’t provide much relief to homebuyers hoping for much lower mortgage rates. Most in our biz believe those rates have already priced in what the Fed is going to do, and don’t see a major impact to the mortgage market or credit-card financing or anything else by the Fed starting to drop rates this week. (Today’s podcast is found here and this week’s is sponsored by Visio Lending. Visio has a top-notch broker program and is the nation’s premier lender for buy and hold investors with over 2.5 billion closed loans for single-family rental properties, including vacation rentals. Hear an interview with real estate agent Kamyar Rezaie on what he is seeing from the NAR settlement as well as housing demand in his local Los Angeles market.)