Correspondent, AVM, Processing Tools; Lender M&A Continues; Reverse Redlining Case; STRATMOR on LO and Regional Pay

“Q: What does a dyslexic pirate say? A: RRRRRRA!” Humor aside, many in our industry have faced adversity, dyslexia and more, and I received this note: “Rob, I really enjoyed Robbie’s interview with Glenn Stearns Monday. Is it on the web somewhere?” Yes, right here. It is good to listen to for keeping adversity in perspective. The Consumer Finance Protection Bureau tries to lessen any adversity for borrowers, and I also received this note. “Rob, do you think that borrowers are educated in terms of looking at rates AND fees, or just rates?” I’d say just rates, but I believe that the CFPB is keenly interested in making sure that consumers are treated fairly and that lenders highlight both when doing business with potential clients. Speaking of the CFPB, there are always rumors in our biz. Do you remember when TRID was rolled out in 2015, and then the fun & enjoyment we had when TRID 2.0 was rolled out in 2017 and 2018? Well, it is rumored that the CFPB may be making another run at tweaking the model, given input from the industry. Will it be called TRID 3.0? Stay tuned… (Today’s podcast is found here and this week’s is sponsored by Visio Lending. Visio has a top-notch broker program and is the nation’s premier lender for buy and hold investors with over 2.5 billion closed loans for single-family rental properties, including vacation rentals. Hear an interview with Richie May’s Pat Nester on the best ways to run internal audits and improve organizationally as a result.)