Asheville, NC (PRWEB) April 30, 2009
Prudential Life-style Realty has completed its analysis. It has discovered fresh information from several respected sources, that confirms what several neighborhood REALTORS
Asheville, NC (PRWEB) April 30, 2009
Prudential Life-style Realty has completed its analysis. It has discovered fresh information from several respected sources, that confirms what several neighborhood REALTORS
Newport Beach, CA (Vocus/PRWEB) March 31, 2011
Thanks to Brookstone Law, PCs Emergency Extension Department (EED), a new resource to help homeowners facing foreclosure keep their homes, two local seniors have kept their home despite their Banks attempts to hide the sale date from them, it was announced today by Vito Torchia, Jr., managing attorney of Brookstone Law, PC.
According to court documents, Bob and Angela Sacchi, a married couple in their 80s living on a fixed pension income and savings in West Hollywood, CA, were facing foreclosure, the sale of their home and eventual eviction based on a predatory home loan they obtained in 2004 and the banks refusal to allow them to modify their mortgage despite numerous attempts to fix their problems over the past several years. The case is Sacchi, vs. MERS et al., Case No. CV 11-01658 pending in the United States District Court – Central District of California.
After initially stopping the sale of their home the day before it was scheduled to be sold, Brookstone Law continued to represent the couple. Unbeknownst to either the Sacchis or Brookstone Law, a new sale date was scheduled by the Bank. Only through Brookstone Laws attention to detail and frequent follow up did the EED team discover the Bank had scheduled a new sale date.
When our EED team helps achieve a postponement, we always look for the opportunity to pursue additional actions to extend postponements or achieve cancellations, said Aalok Sikand, one of the lead attorneys on the EED team. We learned through our hard work and research that the Bank had set a new sale date and were not surprised to discover they had not communicated that to the Sacchis.
Brookstone immediately prepared and filed an ex parte motion for a temporary restraining order and for an order setting a hearing date for a preliminary injunction against certain of the foreclosing defendants. According to court documents, the motion was based on alleged violations of California foreclosure statutes and on a securitization audit and accompanying affidavit calling into question the authority of the foreclosing party to actually foreclose. The Court issued the temporary restraining order, restraining all defendants from foreclosing on the Sacchis home pending a hearing on the preliminary injunction. The Court will set a briefing schedule.
Thanks to Brookstone Laws EED we have a sense of security about our future, said Mr. Sacchi, a member of the Screen Actors Guild and American Federation of Radio and Television Artists who starred in the film “The Man Who Stole Bogart’s Face” and has appeared in numerous popular television series including “Kojak” and “Fantasy Island.” Brookstone Law said they would fight for us in court and they did just that.
Like many homeowners, the couple had heard stories about how homeowners facing foreclosure are treated by banks and how many banks do not allow short sales to address foreclosures. Media reports have highlighted banks mishandling of mortgage foreclosures and mistreating consumers, practices which have led to legal action throughout the country including suits filed by more than 40 state attorneys general against banks and lenders. Media coverage has shown banks throwing peoples belongings into the street in wrongful evictions, overcharging thousands of members of the military on their mortgages and bank executives admitting to blatant misadministration of loan documents in wrongful foreclosure trials.
Facing immediate foreclosure, without opportunity for a loan modification, living on a fixed low income and with nowhere to go if their home was sold, there seemed to be no way for the couple to stop their initial foreclosure until they contacted the EED specialists at Brookstone Law. EEDs team of legal experts and specialists acted decisively and fought for the couple in court by filing a lawsuit that resulted in a postponement of the first sale date.
This is another example of how we will not stop working until we achieve the results our clients need, said Nisha S., a seasoned EED specialist. Without dedicated attorneys and specialists working on their behalf, the Sacchis would not have known about the difficult situation the bank put them in before it was too late for them to act to save their home.
At a time when millions of Americans are losing their homes as part of the foreclosure crisis, homeowners face a daunting challenge when dealing with banks. To deal with those challenges, many homeowners have turned to the EED help them keep their homes. Created by Brookstone Law to help consumers deal directly with an institutional bureaucracy that is biased against them, the EED is a unique service not offered by any other firm that gives homeowners facing foreclosure a fighting chance to keep their homes. Brookstone Laws EED attorneys and specialists are experienced in working directly with banks and extensively trained to help homeowners achieve postponements.
Brookstone Laws legal team researches all available options to assist homeowners extend their sale date while they are in the process of litigation, bankruptcy or short sale. Fees are contingent upon success of the service, which means consumers pay only if the sale can be postponed or stopped. Homeowners facing foreclosure like the Sacchis are using the EED to help keep their homes. The process typically takes several hours per client and many cases require as much as a full day to get results since a majority of EED activity is spent by the Firms lawyers and experts in foreclosure law and litigation dealing directly and negotiating with banks and lenders.
“We will not hesitate to go to court if necessary to get the results we need, which is where our team of legal experts and attorneys is of greatest value to homeowners seeking relief, said Vito Torchia, Jr. Our EED legal team and specialists are to be commended once again for doing such great work on behalf of a deserving couple.
About Brookstone Law, PC
Headquartered in Newport Beach, Calif., and with offices in Los Angeles, Calif., and Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., Brookstone Law, PC is a law firm comprised of attorneys with experience and success in business, corporate and personal finance, employment, entertainment and media, art and museum, intellectual property and real estate law. The firm has a network of more than 40 affiliate attorneys nationwide and employs highly trained specialists, paralegals, paraprofessionals and administrative staff dedicated to serving clients. For information, call (800) 946-8655 or visit (
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