Do you know the interest rate on your loan? How about the age of your roof? Here in Austin, a big concern is too much growth: Austin has gained 1 million people in the last 15 years. Sprawl, traffic, and new construction have become the name of the game. As well as mounting property tax and insurance costs. Insurance agents and companies seem to be controlling homeowners, remodeling, landscaping, and…roofing. Property and climate risk platform ZestyAI conducted a 27,000-property advanced AI and aerial imagery survey on roof age, which found a surprisingly high proportion of properties have misreported the age of the roof as a result of out-of-date, or self-reported data. 17% of roofs are older than reported by an average of 8 years, and 63% of homeowners do not know the age of the roof, which creates significant risk for insurers and homeowners. “Many insurers still rely on self-reported roof ages, leading to inaccuracies that delay quotes, compromise customer experience, and inflate losses.” (Today’s podcast can be found here and this week’s is sponsored by Calque. White-labeled buy-before-you-sell solutions powered by Calque help you increase purchase volume and increase realtor business by helping them differentiate with a better process. With coverage in the 48 contiguous states, what are you waiting for? Hear an interview with Polly’s Adam Carmel on disruption in the mortgage industry and how companies should evaluate PPE providers.) Lender and Broker Services, Software, and Products