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Everyone’s above average, right? If you are a lender and making money, you’re in the majority. It’s not that you’re not special, it’s just that with cuts and servicing income, and unprofitable companies going away, most companies are in the black: In the first quarter, 59 percent off all mortgage banking companies were profitable per the MBA Performance Report, buy it for details. Is our government profitable? Of course not, almost regardless of Administration. The federal budget deficit is expected to swell to around $1.9 trillion this year, according to the Congressional Budget Office, which was higher than its previous estimate of $1.5 trillion. This takes into account increased spending for student loans and Medicaid as well as the recently passed $95 billion foreign aid package. National debt is even poised to top $56 trillion over the next 10 years, or 122 percent of GDP, surpassing the 106 percent seen in 1946 after World War II. Meanwhile, the eurozone is facing debt issues of its own, with the ECB warning eight of its members (including Belgium, France, and Italy) over their excessive budget deficits. Today’s podcast is found here and this week’s is sponsored by Candor. Candor’s authentic Expert System AI has powered more than 2 million flawless, hands off underwrites. Every credit risk decision Candor makes is backed by a warranty, eliminating repurchase worries. Hear an interview with FinLocker’s Brian Vieaux on bringing consumer permission data to property searches and originations.