I recently went to my favorite local Mexican restaurant, and there was a sign in the window, “Sorry, we are closed due to short staff.” Someone had written below it, “Higher taller staff because I want a taco.” Economics and interest rates were certainly discussed in Denver this week at the MBA’s annual convention, as were the ramifications of the election. “Unfortunately, no one in Congress has uttered the word ‘deficit’ in 20 years.” “Regardless of the outcome of the presidential election, no one should forget the direction Congress takes, given its role in the budget process.” “Sure, mortgage rates are expected to gradually go down, but what if they don’t? Are lenders and vendors ready for that?” “The Fed has over 400 PhD economists. And even with that it can’t precisely predict the future.” (Today’s podcast can be found here, and this week’s is sponsored by Truv. Truv lets applicants verify income, employment, assets, insurance, and switch direct deposits. Unlock the power of open finance, with Truv. Hear an interview with DelphX’s Patrick Wood on the credit rating market ahead of the U.S. Election.) Lender and Broker Software, Services, and Products Introducing Curindices, Curinos’ new suite of market indices designed to give you the most relevant insights into mortgage market trends. Updated weekly, Curindices delivers national application, lock, and home value data based on our proprietary, marketing leading, lender-sourced data. Curinos sources statistically significant data to produce these benchmark figures, setting the benchmark for smarter, data-driven decisions in mortgage lending. Follow this link to be added to our weekly distribution list and to learn more about how Curinos helps clients stay ahead of the competition in today’s highly competitive market.