I realize that this is a mortgage commentary, but our business touches many aspects of many lives. Today is the summer solstice, marking the astronomical first day of summer in the Northern Hemisphere. Yes, there is quantitatively less sunlight going forward. While we’re on quantitative things… “Two hearts are better than one… two hearts gonna’ get the job done…” Are you thinking about your heart? Me neither. It just motors along while you’re doing mortgage stuff, beating 32 million times a year, year in and year out, pumping two thousand gallons of blood each day. Up until recently there were only about 2,000-2,500 heart transplants but 2022 set a U.S. record with over 4,000. On average that’s only about 6 per month per state. They’re special. Amy Silverstein was well known about speaking on improving organ donor drug regimens, and the quality of treatment received by those receiving organs. Amy died last month. I hope that she had an impact. Like being a loan officer and prospecting for loans, transplants are a numbers game. The majority of Americans, 95 percent, are in favor of organ donation. But only 58 percent are actually registered. The most commonly transplanted organs are the kidney, liver, heart, lungs, pancreas and intestines. Register today. It won’t hurt a bit. (Today’s podcast can be found here and this week’s is sponsored by MCT and its Hedge Advisory division. Download their recently released whitepaper, Mortgage Pipeline Hedging 101, for more information on hedging in today’s market. Today’s includes an interview with Morris, Manning & Martin, LLP’s Bonnie Hochman Rothell on risks and legal considerations for lenders in a high-rate environment.)