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“I pay you to handle my loan and give me a good program with a competitive rate, not predict things you can’t.” At a recent event, a top originator told me that a borrower stated that. I continue to see LOs of all types (bank, credit union, IMB, broker, DTC, whatever) keep an eye on mortgage rates, and know what they’re doing, but focus on service and products, things that they or their company can control. Sure, everyone is predicting that the Federal Reserve’s Open Market Committee (FOMC) will lower rates next week; it’ll be no surprise. What will be interesting are the thoughts by the various Fed district presidents who make up the Committee. Meanwhile, LOs are treating borrowers like prospects, making a difference in their client’s lives, and remembering that they are offering money, not mortgages. (Today’s podcast is found here and Sponsored by Richey May. Richey May’s consulting, cybersecurity, business intelligence, and automation services are designed by mortgage experts to help you continue to drive growth and increase profitability. Hear an interview with Candor’s Ed Kourany on current trends in the mortgage industry, from lender employment to repurchase data and more.) Lender and Broker Software, Services, and Loan Programs Register now for the 2024 Loan Vision Innovation Conference in Chicago, September 23-25! Tailored for financial leaders in IMBs, banks, and credit unions, this event is your key to staying ahead in the competitive financial landscape. LVIC24 offers a unique opportunity to gain the insights and tools you need to drive growth and efficiency within your organization. Learn from mortgage industry titans like Michael Fratantoni, Rob Chrisman, and others through sessions focused on profitability, sustainability, and industry best practices. Enjoy enhanced networking opportunities, including the Opening Dinner + Awards Ceremony and an Evening on the Chicago River.